2020 Schedule • Focus = Health & Love
This well-wishing could have come sooner or January could have passed slower. Time and presence, which for me is love, are my focus this year with my practice and teaching and more specifically, I’m focused on what the “healthy” part of the new year, and everyday means, on and off the mat.
Yes, I had a year off, of sorts. I did teach at my very first home studio in San Francisco for 5 weeks and did a couple of unexpected private teaching gigs that would have never happened if I had been scheduled the way I usually do. That gave me time to pause and sit with the idea of doing the same things over and over and expecting different results. Things shifted around family which required more time/attention and then there were some personal challenges with my health. That has all cleared. I am still rebuilding strength and have lost quite a bit of my flexibility and my ego could not be more entertained by it all. So, in many ways, more than ever, I am practicing and living everything I teach. It’s supposed to be that way…I think.

With all that said, I have a lighter travel schedule this year and only one teacher training and a few teacher tune-ups around the world.
You can get more information on all the events, now posted on my website: www.lesleventhalyoga.com and a brief snapshot here:
- March 6-8 Zurich
- March 13-15 Basel (just a 45-minute train ride from Zurich)
- March 20-22 Malaga (March 20 is a full day teacher tune-up)
- March 27-29 Rome
- May 13-17 Kirkland/Seattle (May 13-15 is a 3-day teacher tune-up)
- June 6-7 Bangkok
- June 10, 13-14 & 17 Sydney
- June 19-21 Hobart
- June 27-28 Byron Bay
- July 3-5 Melbourne
- July 10-12 Adelaide
- July 15-19 Perth (July 15-17 3-day teacher tune-up)
- October 5-31 Sydney 200-hour Yoga Alliance Registered Teacher Training
This about sums up my year. Although, I always leave a little space for the unexpected to show up. If anything else gets scheduled, we will notify y’all through newsletters and social media.
Don’t worry if you missed the fast passing pace of January. Every day begins a new year and I hope to see you somewhere around this amazing world on or off the mat. If you can’t connect in person, there are plenty of videos on my website – yes, the old ones and the prices have been drastically reduced. There’s also a great group of recent videos with Yoga Download at www.yogadownload.com and please please please remember my book, especially as all profits for January, February and March are going to aid wildfire efforts in Australia.
Also, if you haven’t had a chance to read my book yet, Two Lifestyles – One Lifetime, it is available on amazon in paperback or kindle option at:
If you want to practice with me virtually, you can go to:
for our newest yoga video offerings and of course the oldies but goodies are still on my site www.lesleventhalyoga.com/videos
Check them out as we’ve reduced the prices to $1, $2 and $3 for single videos and you can still purchase bundles or all 20 videos.
Lotsa Love, Many OMs and Happy Everything..
Om Namah Shivaya, Buddha.