Practicing On & Off The Mat
know, it’s taken a very long time to send out this email regarding my 2019 schedule, where I will be teaching, retreats and trainings. We’ve been settling in to South Florida lifestyle which is very different from anywhere I’ve ever lived. We’re also still navigating everything family and how to manage time and needs for everything and everyone. That said, I heard something truly amazing a few weeks ago and I began to understand more about myself. It was really quite simple. Someone was talking about practicing principles that I’ve been taught, in all our affairs and then he said, if you can’t, then you have too many affairs. A light turned on, air cleared and I understood my primary purpose which I’ve always known but lost sight of. I saw clearly that some aspects of my daily practices were slipping because I was too busy and that little things that used to just wash over and through me, were planting seeds of restlessness, irritability and discontentedness.
2016-2018 were three years of intense travel and teaching and in that quest to serve everyone, always, I lost a bit of Les and I’m going to spend a bit more time, now that I’m 50, with family, friends and my recovery tribes.
In 2019, I am taking a break from leading teacher trainings and retreats. What I do have on the schedule is this:

Yoga Tree Castro, San Francisco (back where it all began)
I’ll be subbing for Janet while she’s out of town. Here’s the schedule beginning March 26, ending April 27:
- Tuesdays 6:15pm
- Thursdays 6:15pm
- Fridays 4:30pm
- Saturdays 9am
I will be available for private 1:1 sessions in your home.
For more info please email me at:
[email protected]

Asheville Yoga Festival, July 25-28, 2019
On my website,, there is a link for a 15% discount on 3 and 4 day festivals
Make sure to use code Les2019 when purchasing tickets.
For those of you living in the South Florida area or visiting, I am available for privates as well.
Also, if you haven’t had a chance to read my book yet, Two Lifestyles – One Lifetime, it is available on amazon in paperback or kindle option at:
If you want to practice with me virtually, you can go to:
for our newest yoga video offerings and of course the oldies but goodies are still on my site
Check them out as we’ve reduced the prices to $1, $2 and $3 for single videos and you can still purchase bundles or all 20 videos.
Lotsa Love, Many OMs and Happy Everything..
Om Namah Shivaya, Buddha.