20 Yoga Videos for $20! Holiday Fundraiser for Yayasan Bumi Sehat Balii

As I get older, I am awakening to all the goals, ideas and miracles I set out seeking in my life, that have been reflected back to me while recognizing that it all already exists inside of me. So, six weeks in Fort Lauderdale with Joe. Thanksgiving with my family. Christmas with Joe's family. My God, my Higher Power, is not of a single origin or religion. He and she always return me back to home, to my heart. I've thoroughly enjoyed proclaiming myself a gypsy and nomad but I am also firstly committed to my recovery program and I recognize that I get to have the life I live based on my spiritual connection and condition. I don't want to tease the diseases of isolation.
We want a home where our lifestyle feels as comfortable as possible, where we can see the same men and women in recovery on a daily/weekly basis. So, this means from planting seeds, some roots have been growing for us in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. It's all so intertwined having family of origin, blood, and my chosen families in recovery and yoga, worldwide. By chance, an amazing man who took extra special care to hug me hello and goodbye more than 7 times in 6 weeks whispered to someone that family gatherings are the most important and that's what matters the most to him. You bet I lost it.
If you're reading this, I am not changing our family status, just the form of the relationship will change a little. I will absolutely honor all of my 2018 travel commitments because that is still my passion, teaching yoga and guiding others through transformation, yoga and recovery but come 2019, my international teaching/travel will be less than it has been in the last 10 years. Everything, teaching possibility, in Florida is on the table. We are already connected with Tymi, at Guruv, in Orlando and studios in Fort Myers, St Pete and Gainesville. As far as Fort Lauderdale goes, we need to grow our home first and plant more seeds to see what we build here. Foundation and advanced trainings will continue. What will that look like? Great question. Right now there's a freedom in not knowing what it is I think I'm supposed to know. We're keeping it simple for now. Last week, we bought a bed.